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Unplug your ears!

Our ears play a fundamental role in our perception of the world around us and our communication with others. They are very sensitive and vulnerable, so we need to take special care of them.
Our ears are at the heart of our modern way of life. We use them extensively, and they are constantly exposed to noise, dust and electronic devices - earphones, headphones, hearing aids, etc.
Nevertheless, they are often neglected, indeed mistreated through inappropriate and dangerous attempts to keep them clean.
Just as we do with our nose or mouth, we should pay more attention to looking after our ears and pass on to our children, starting at a very young age, a healthy attitude and good habits for proper ear hygiene.

A -CERUMEN is a 2-in-1 solution that is safe, gentle and effective in the treatment and prevention of plugs of earwax.

*This medical device is a healthcare product which bears CE marking, in accordance with regulations.



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